Studio with Mountain View

Studio with Mountain View

Room with a view of the Trans-Ili Alatau mountains and Atakent Park. Spacious and comfortable accommodation for business people with areas for relaxation and work.


  • 2 adults and 1 child
  • additional payment for additional seats 8000 tenge/day (free for children under 7 years old)


  • large double bed 1.6 m x 2.0 m

Room amenities

  • Alarm clock service
  • Toiletries (towel, bathrobe, slippers)
  • LCD TV / cable TV
  • Telephone
  • Free wireless internet wi-fi for all guests
  • Tea/coffee making facilities in the room
  • Safe deposit
  • Mini bar
  • Fan
  • Bathroom
  • Desktop
  • Gym

Paid services

  • Business center services
  • Transfer
  • Laundry
  • Availability of paid and free parking
  • Food in the room Room Service / breakfast in the room
  • Mini bar
  • Souvenir shop

*Early and late check-in is available on request

Price: 60,000 tenge / day

Room size: 35 sq.m.
